Yaniv's Tracker

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Events Tracker


Team-Members' Sites

Staff Application

Hey guys,
Recently, the chobots staff made a page for you, if you want to apply to be a staff member - Moderator, Supporter, Developer or Designer.

Simple, and easy to understand. Click here to go to the page.
If you want to join the staff, you can apply now.
But, not anyone can apply. There are criterions that you gotta have if you wanna apply for a job:
Development: You should have a firm grip on at least 2 of following programming languages, but not limited to: Java, ActionScript3, JavaScript, MXML, HTML5, and PHP. You should have access to the basic programmings for development (Flash CS5 or greater and TextMate or another editing tool). You should be able to look at an error and figure out a way to fix it. You should be able to work within a team and follow directions given by the department leader.
Illustration: You should have a firm grip on designing professionally. You should have access to the basic designing programs (Flash CS5 or greater and Photoshop CS5 or greater). You should be able to create designs based on a template given in a timely fashion. You should be able to work within a team and follow directions given by the department leader.
Moderation: You should have the ability to make quick and appropriate actions based on the situation at hand. You should know slang terms commonly used both on and off the internet. You should have a good grip on grammar. You should be able to work at least 3-5 hours a day. You should be able to work within a team and follow directions given by the department leader.
Support: You should have the ability to make appropriate actions based on the situation at hand. You should have a wide vocabulary in order to assist users no matter what is asked. You should have a good grip on grammer. You should be able to respond to users within 12-24 hours of their messages coming in. You should be able to work within a team and follow directions given by the department leader.
You will get an email within 72 hours. Good luck to everybody :)

Check out the other latest posts:
  1. Beach Party Details
  2. June 2012 Journalists

Journalists Program - June 2012

Hey guys,
It's almost June, so it's time to choose new journalists for chobots.
If you are new in Chobots, the journalists program is a program to award the bloggers that blog about chobots.
Journalists get a journalist badge in their player cards, place in the official blogroll, and you will get 5000 bugs every month. If you wanna apply to be a journalist, email support@chobots.net with your blog link. Also, old journalists (May 2012 journalists) will have to resubmit their blog to be a journalist.


Check out the other latest posts:
  1. Beach Party Details
  2. Staff Application

Beach Party

Hey guys,
Remember the Beach Party that's going to happen in 2 days?

Zoo has announced the party details.
Here is a picture that I made with the party details:

So, the party is going to happen in 2 days (May 31st), at 6pm Chobots time, at the Chobots beach.
I'm going to take pictures and then I'll post a party review. Are you going to come to the party?
Check out the other latest posts:
  1. Staff Application
  2. June 2012 Journalists

Contact Us

Hey guys,
Did you ever wanted to contact us but you couldn't because you don't have skype? Now there are more ways to contact us! Now you can contact me and Kaicooper via Skype, or contact us by sending an email to our mailbox that I opened. You can email Chohelp@yaniv.comze.com if you want to ask us something. You will get an answer within 24 hours. Also, there are more simple ways to contact us. You can comment on one of the posts if you need any help. You will get an answer within 24 hours. Also, you can say something in our chatbox. You will get an answer within 12 hours ( I check the chatbox more often because I hate the blog walkers' comments, so I remove them if I see any new comments).
I hope that now it will be easier for you to contact us :)


New Moderator - Koiz!

Hey guys,
After hard work on the community, Koiz, our agent, has been promoted to a moderator!
Koiz is now a moderator in chobots, and she will help the other staff members to moderate the game.

Don't forget to congratulate her for her promotion! :)
She really deserves this job (my opinion).
What about you? What do you think?

Domain & New Clothes

Hey guys,
My friend Zorber, decided to donate $10 for our blog, and he bought a new domain for us!
Our domain is now www.chohelp.net ! Special thanks to Zorber! :)

The new clothes are finally at the shop!

The new items are:

Very cool items. I really like the 'C' hoodie. What about you? Do you like the new items? What is your favourite item?

Check out the other updates in chobots:
3. Email

Help Window Update

Hey guys,
The help window got a color update - it was green since March, so Cat changed it to blue.

Now it fits the chobots blue theme2.

Check out the other updates in chobots:
2. Email

Map Update

Hey guys,
Remember the beach party on the 31st?

Well, the beach has to be ready for the party, so it's under construction now.


Check out the other updates in chobots:
2. Email


Hey guys,
When you will log in to Chobots, you will get this window:

You need to enter your email for more updates in chobots.

Check out the other updates in chobots:

Lock your account

Hey guys,
Our development team released a new update to chobots - lock your account.
If you are away from keyboard, or you are on 'be right back', you can lock your account so nothing will happen. Click on menu, and then on the lock button.

This window will show up:

You have to write your chobots password to unlock your account.
After unlocking:

I really like this feature, but only one problem - my password is super long :3

Check out the other updates in chobots:
3. Email

New Designer - Swiftex

Hey guys,
Recently, the Chobots staff searched for a new graphics designer, and they found one!
Our new designer is - Swiftex!

Swiftex is a great designer, in photoshop, and flash.
Click here to go to her graphics site.
Click here to go to her Chobots blog - Ace Chobots.

Don't forget to congratulate her when you will see her online :)

Color Zone & Small Update

Hey video-makers,
I got some sad news for you. The color zone is currently broken, and you can't go to it at the moment.

I hope that it will be fixed soon, so the video makers could use the chroma keyer effect.
Also, remember the small text bug in the robots arena? (If you hovered the team-leaderboard and the team creation, it said "create a team"), This bug is now fixed.

Check out the other updates in chobots:

Badges Update

Hey guys,
Recently, the chobots badges have been updated!
Here are the updated badges, and their previous look:

I really like the new designs, what about you?

Check out the other updates in chobots:

SPS Update

Hey guys,
Here is a small update in the SPS (Space Port Station) - Now you can accses the Artists' underground from there!

So much updates!

Check out the other updates in chobots:

Classroom & Chill Zone

Hey guys,
If your level is 2 (or higher), you can go to the Classroom. If you go to there, you will see 2 new tables for Chess, and Checkers:

Boys, see the entrance to the girls' hangout? Can't go in? Well, you don't have to! Boys got their own hangout room, and it's called "Chill Zone":

This is how the room looks inside:

Looks really cool!
There's only one exit from this room, and it's here:


Check out the other updates in chobots:

Menu Update

Hey guys,
Here's an update that I found - my idea for another clock with the cho-time has been made!
If you open the menu, you will see the chobots time:

Note: You have to re-open the menu window to see the correct time if the window was open for a while for you.
Also, now you can change your password again.


Check out the other updates in chobots:

Chobots - Twitter Integration

Hey guys,
Remember that Ethan asked if we want an option to tweet from chobots, and the 'Tweet tweet' event in the news window? Well, It's here!
Today when I logged in to chobots, I saw that the user interface buttons (at the top, middle) changed location (few of them), the family button is gone, and there's a new button - The Twitter Button!

When you click on the Twitter button, you will get this window, saying that you have to sign in:

When you click on 'Connect to twitter', it will send you to This page

If you sign in, you have to refresh your chobots window (if you was online). Then when you log in back, click on the Twitter button again, you will see this:

You can write a tweet in the text box and then click on 'send tweet' to publish this tweet.
Also, you can see the tweets timeline:

All the latest tweets will be there.

The twitter button has been added to your player card, and the people's player card that authorized twitter with chobots:

Also, it has been added to the friends list too!

Click on that button and this will show up:


Update: You can also tweet about your cho-points:


Check out the other updates in chobots:

Contests Winners & Some News

Hey guys,
The sliders (chopajev) contest has ended, and it's the time to announce the winners!
1st place: Eliminate.
 Prizes: 7 days of Citizenship, 4000 Bugs, 30 Cho Points.
2nd place: Brand.
 Prizes: 5 days of Citizenship, 3000 Bugs, 25 Cho Points.
3rd place: Saifoo.
 Prizes: 3 days of Citizenship, 2000 Bugs, 20 Cho Points.

Wow, good job guys!
Also, remember the robofactory contest from a while ago? Well, the winners of that contest have been announced too!
1st place: Precious870. 
 Prizes: 7 days of Citizenship, 4000 Bugs, 30 Cho Points.

2nd place: Hamoodcool. 
 Prizes: 5 days of Citizenship, 3000 Bugs, 25 Cho Points.
3rd place: Plinfalie.  
 Prizes:3 days of Citizenship, 2000 Bugs, 20 Cho Points.

So awesome how people get so much points to win this contests... Good job guys!

Now, about the parthnership: Do you know Mimo? He worked with chobots.com few years ago as a sponsor. The chobots.net staff decided to hire him as a sponsor too! If you register a new user to chobots from here, you will get this awesome mimo shirt!

Also, Chobots.net got another new sponsor - Fupa!
Fupa is a games company, that also sponsors other games.
Register a new account to chobots from here you will get this awesome rainbow shirt!
Before I end this post, I got more news, about our former agent, Program. Unfortunately, our good agent Program got de-agented.
I hope that she will get her agent badge back.

That's all for now.

New Agents, Items, and a contest

Hey guys,
Sorry for late post.
First of all, at the agents meeting, we recommended people for agentship, and we got new agents!

Congratulations Fadaee, Chewer, Critic and Iepure, You will be fantastic agents!

Secondly, there are A LOT of new clothes at the shop! (Well, 4 new clothes, and a lot of old clothes have been returned):
I really like the new clothes, so if you see me in chobots, you will see that I got a new style :P

Also, Zach started a Sliders contest!

I really like sliders, but with the current scores, I can't win :/

That's all for now.


Hey guys,
Zoo announced that the smilefest is going to be today!

There are going to be 2 parties, for the people who can't come to the 1st or the 2nd.
1st party: 20:00 Chobots Time.
2nd party: 23:00 Chobots Time.

This time, we are not celebrating anything, just partying, so Zoo decided to do some games - contests with some prizes like citizenship and maybe items!

The party is going to be at the park.
You should come, it's going to be fun!

That's all for now.

New Clothes & An Update

Hey guys,
Finally, the chobots team added the new clothes to the shop and the $hop!


Oh and now, the girls hangout is for girls only!

We want a boys' hangout!

That's all for now.


Hey guys,
Today, Cat added few more updates to the game:
The text in the chat bubbles moved a little:

The text in the chat history box is now bold:

The old News window is back:

If you click on the top right star, you will see that the points window got a new design:

Now there's a space background. You can see your level, your title, your total cho and how much cho left until you will level up. Also, you can see what's the next item that you are going to get. There's also a new 'level line', you can see how much cho you got already and how much left until you will level up.

And last thing is - The old and good rocket shoes are back to the shop! (Magic Shop)

That's all for now.

Update & Chistochob

Hey guys,
There's a small update in chobots - The Nichos Kingdom mission is now for citizens only again.
If you have the lamp and you are not a citizen, you can't wear it anymore.

After few weeks of a vacation, Chistochob came back and he needs help to clean the city!
Meet him at the Space Quay, and help him.

Our quest tracker is updated too.
You can see that Chistochob and Samantha are in town.

Quest Tracker. | Created By Vchobot1.

That's all for now.