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News & Updates - July 5

Hello Chobots,
Wow, this week goes fast, no? Jake added some cool updates to the game today:
The Chobots theme was blue. Now it's black/dark blue again. Here is the main page:

The servers select page design has been changed to his original design:

And of course, the map's background is also dark blue. Also, the forest has been removed from the map. I wonder why, maybe the development team plan to add something new.

Well, I remember this theme from the Chobots.com days. What about you? Also, the automatic connection is turned off, so when you log in, you can choose a server and a location.
The menu got another update; you can choose to turn on/off the day & light update. As you can see, it's still under constructions, so nothing will happen.

As you can see, some stuff moved because there's a new button.
Recently, Chobots got another sponsor! Another Club Penguin famous blogger is now sponsoring the game.
Tommy23456 is now sponsoring the game. Click here to go to his Club Penguin Blog. If you register a new user from here, you will get this cool shirt as a gift:

What an awesome shirt. The best part is, that the world of Chobots will get more new users now!
Remember the wardrobe shortcut? Jake added a cool new shortcut. If you are a Citizen, and you are level 10+, click on F4. The Color shower will open. Isn't that really comfortable? A wardrobe shortcut & a color shower shortcut!
This is more a player cards update. Remember that Jake's player card was purple? Well, now it's red!

I wonder what's the big story behind those player cards colors... I would like to have a colored player card, what about you?

  1. When you hover with your mouse on the entrance to the Chill Zone, it will say 'Dudes' Chill Zone'.
  2. The 'Chobots' background is now at the backgrounds catalog.

That's all for now. Enjoy the new updates. Can't wait to see more new cool features and new stuff.