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Updates - July 12

Hey Chobots,
It's Thursday already. Time "flies" when you play on the computer a lot.
Anyways, the Chobots development team updated the game with some minor updates and a new feature.

1. Small buttons update. The Twitter button and the $hop bodies / chat bubbles button switched places.
2. The star that was on the Cho Energy button is now near the number of your level.
3. New feature. This is actually the same feature that Club Penguin (and maybe some other games) has in it. If you want to find someone, like a moderator, developer, agent, etc. And you want to open his player card, you can search him in the new system to open his player card. To use this feature, open your friends list, and click on the new button. You have to be level 19+ to use this feature. Search a name in the window that appeared and click on the ok button.

4. The text is back to the 'Dance' button.
5. The text is back to the 'Use' button.

So those are all the updates for now. Also, the Thriller contest winner should be posted soon (I hope).