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News & Updates - August 20

Hey guys,

What's up! Kai here!

Today there are some Shop Updates!
You can buy:
  • Magic Surfer
  • Griffon Wings
  • Jetpack
  • Magic Rainbow
  • Magic Carpet
  • Indian Warrior
In the Items Tab!
You can also get in the Character Bodies:
  • Cube Squared
  • TV Agent
and Also in Chat Bubbles:
  • Rainbow
  • Neon
  • Nicho
Awesome Right!?!

Great updates to the Shop items! I love the pictures behind the Character Items! What about you? What's your favourite part?

Tell us in the Comments!

Kaicooper :)(:
The Rockemall Street decorations for the Welcome-New-Agents party are now gone, but some stuff are still here!

The Rockemall Street looks even better now, it looks happier...
The color zone is still under constructions, and when you go to there, you recieve a message saying that that the room is under constructions. The window of the message has been reversed to its old look.

I wonder why did the developers add the old window...
Update2: If you didn't know, the Cholympics have started at Chobots. Today the developer Jake logged in to Chobots and showed us the new medals for the Cholympics with his 'model' skills.

Here is the bronze medal:

Here is the silver medal:

And here is the gold medal:

Thank you for showing us this medals Jake! I like the red medal. What is your favourite medal?
Also, I have added another menu bar to the blog, so if you are in the middle of the page, and you want to go to the 'Guides' page, you can click on the 'Top' button or just click on the 'Guides' button.

I hope that this new feature will help people.