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News & Updates - August 4

Hello Chobots,
Wow, another updates post! Since Albert joined Chobots, it became more "alive"; More posts on the main blog, more contests, more parties, etc. I think that he is doing a great job. What do you think?
Anyways, today I found 2 small updates. So first of all, the loader got some changes.

If you would see it working, you could see that the background is more blue now. Also, the text got some changes too.
Also, there is a small change to the menu. The day & night mode that was under constructions is now gone.

That's everything for now. This day ended so fast! Did you have fun today?
Also, here are some news about the blog; our blog reached 30,000 hits!
Update: Our developer Spider developed some cool new stuff for the game!
First of all, if you bought a chat bubble or a body from the $hop, try to open the hand window:

Now you can see all the premium items (bodies or chat bubbles). I like the new design, it looks cooler.
Here are some cool news, the cho energy is back! (Levels system). When you open your money finance report (when you click on your bugs number), you will see your level:

So yep, levels are back. Prizes are the same, and the way to get cho-energy is the same.
Here's another update; this is a small wardrobe update. If you would open your wardrobe, and over with your mouse on an item, you would see a hand. That means that you can take this item and drag it.

The left picture shows the hand when you hover on an item. The right picture shows the hand when you click on an item and you can drag it. I like this update, I think that it will help new users to understand how to use the wardrobe.