Yaniv's Tracker

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News & Updates - August 27

Hey guys!
What's up, Kai here!

Lately we have had a few more amazing updates!

Vchobot1 is now a Moderator! Big congratulations to our main Owner of this blog!
Ashely has now joined Support! Looks like she has joined the twitter (@Chobots) as well! Amazing!
Welcome to both of you!

Next up! The Player cards are now much brighter! Check it out!

Can you see that it's now pretty bright!

Next up, we have a new Loading icon when you load up a player card!

Also! The Wardrobe, your Char is now much smaller than it has been! Check this one out!

Awesome right! These are some great updates! Enjoy your day!

Kaicooper :)(:


Also there is an update with the "Send a Message" colour! It's now Light Blue!


Kaicooper :)(: