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Updates - June 22nd

Hey Chobots,
The game got some cool updates - some minor updates, and some normal updates.

If you use the smileys panel, you would see that the old blue border is replaced with a bigger red border.

I think that the red border looks better on this window.
Here's a minor update - the eyes of the 'angry' emote are now red.

When you click on someone, the player card has to load. When it loads, you will see a circle. The circle was blue before, it's colorful now:

The "colorful circle" is not the "loading circle" for the player cards only, when you load the robots leader board, you will see it too.

The June loader is updated again. Now It's a green chobot with a cool haircut, black sunglasses, angel wings, short pants, shoes and a surfboard.

The new loader fits the summer theme, don't you think?

Small chat bubbles update; some people had problems with changing their chat bubbles to the new chat bubbles that they bought. This glitch is now fixed, you can now change your chat bubble.

Here's a nice music update; there are 2 new musics on Chobots. One of them is a newer version for the missions music. Turn on your music on Chobots (if you muted it) and listen to the new musics.

There's an interesting update with the trackers (and player cards); Jake's player card is now purple!

When I asked Jake about his purple player card, he answered:
Well, I can't just tell you. That would spoil it all! But I can say it involves an old enemy ;)
Hmm, interesting... Old enemy, maybe the Nichos leader, we'll have to wait a while to find the answer.

Here's a cool Twitter update; Remember that you can share how much experience you got?
The message that you send changes every few hundred Cho-Points.

Hehe, "Be Afraid >:) " I wonder what are the other messages for the people that got more/less experience than me.

So that's everything for now. Tomorrow we are going to start something new in this blog, so visit the blog tomorrow, at the end of the day :] .