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New Agent! - News & Updates: June 22nd

Hello Chobots,

Today, the Agency Team grew when the Chobots Team made Destrotant our newest Agent. Destrotant and is an experienced player who always has a smiling face and is dancing around all over Cafe Street. Just minutes after hearing about his Agency, I requested an interview with him and he happily accepted.

Mike: How did you find out about Chobots.net?
Destrotant: I was browsing the web with a friend of mine, and he said I should try out a game he found; Chobots.net!

Mike: How did you come up with your username?
Destrotant: I was bored of using Infinity123, and sometimes I found it was taken, so I thought I'd try to think of a cool username which meant nothing, and Destrotant randomly appeared in my head.

Mike: What was your reaction when you achieved Agency?
Destrotant: I was confused to see I was kicked out by a moderator, but it was a great feeling when I came back in to find I was an agent! I was very glad. I had quite a few people say that I'd be a good agent, but i didn't know if that was just them being nice or not. I didn't expect it to be this sudden, though!

Mike: Where do you see Chobots on year from now?
Destrotant: I hope for the best, and I can see Chobots being even more active, with more users having a great time!

Mike: If you could have one dream position on the Chobots Team, where would it be and why?
Destrotant: As most people would probably say, I'd go for a slot in Moderation. I'm not much of a designer, programmer, or anything like that, and I'm not sure I'd be ready for Support, so I'd be set at moderation for a goal!

Thank you for the interview, Destrotant, and once again congratulations on Agency! If you see him around, be sure to congratulate him on a job well done.


lolz234 said...

:O I know.. I was so happy when I saw these news! :D Destrotant will surely do a great job! :D

PS - He's an author for my blog. Yay xD


Dilillili and Pan said...

Heya.... I believe Cotunbol used to be 7wizardz (Weeza) on this game called 7wizards and I was just wondering if, if you guys get an alert for this, he might wanna get back in touch. If so my email address is dililliliandpan@gmail.com so uh shizzle... Bai :)