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News & Updates - June 11th: Agents and Staff Changes

Hey Chobots,

Today, the community was changed quiet a bit. Two Agents were let go - Spencer and Bacon, and there is a  new Moderator/Designer - Michael, formally known as Art. Michael has proven to not only to the Chobots community that he's capable of whipping up some fantastic designs, but to the Chobots Team.


Michael is known for many popular designs, such as the Spiked Wings and Rainbow Wings. I was able to catch up with Michael earlier today, and asked him a few questions; kind of like an interview. I hope this will help you learn a little bit more about Chobots' newest Moderator/Designer. 

Mike:  How did you find out about Chobots.net?
Michael: I first found out of Chobots.com by Mimo777 and once it closed, I played another game with friends from Chobots.com who soon introduced me to Chobots.net during private testing.

Mike: How did you come up with your old username - Art?
Michael: Well, I really wanted a new username because Cpfan didn't fit me anymore. At the time, I would always draw on the underground walls and when I asked people for suggestions--They said Art would fit me.

Mike: What motivates you to keep doing what you do on Chobots?
Michael: The people. Everyone on Chobots is so nice and friendly and I love being around them and helping them as much as I can.

Mike: Where do you see Chobots one year from now?
Michael: In one year, I think the Chobots population will double and there will be a lot more people having fun and chatting with eachother.

Be sure to welcome Michael to the Chobots Team, he truly deserves it!